As a volunteer WAPF Chapter Leader, our only “job” is to get to know all real food farmers in our areas which for us is KY. Please tell us what you offer and how consumers can reach you!
"Real Food" Farmer Criteria
Our focus is Wellness Agriculture, which means:
non-GMO feed for livestock
pastured, free-range animals, no CAFOs
non-GMO seed for plants
no glyphosate (Round-Up) used on property
herbicide/pesticide free (with some exceptions)
no growth hormones or prophylactic antibiotics used
organic certification not necessary
organic practices encouraged
Can you join us?
Please click here & use the form to tell us as much as you can!
You’ll be listed on our spreadsheet which is available to consumers. (If you want to remain anonymous, that is fine, too!) Thank you for all you do!!!!
Farmers and consumers in transition to clean food, welcome! While Monsanto will not be speaking at any meetings, we aren't purists and nobody's perfect. We've all run out of the good feed... The goal is wholesome, real food going into healthy bodies and lifestyles. Real Food Ky aims to be a supportive network for farmers, businesses and consumer sharing the same values.