Sheesh! Zero degrees too many days already this winter, prolonging the lingering snow and ice. This is the longest, coldest spell we’ve seen since moving back to KY in 2011. And weird: it was zero early this morning and almost 40° now at 4:20…
You know, the snow is still fun, and weather is all the same with the right clothes. But ice? No. Big. Fat. NO. Our 20yo surrogate grandson came twice this month and spent several hours breaking up all the ice on our 300’ gravel drive, then shoveled it out of the way so we could escape!
We were not prepared. It’s one thing for a normal KY snowfall which melts in a couple of days, occasionally a week, and life goes on. Quite another for weeks of below freezing temps. We learned the hard way that smart country people park their cars at the end of the driveway next to the road when snow and ice are predicted. Duh.
Every. Single. Day.
Like any outside job, farmers still gotta milk the cows 2x/day (in an unheated milking barn), feed the chickens, get the eggs (before they freeze), move the livestock around the fields, water the troughs, haul the hay, repair the fence… Thank heavens for our farmers who work all year to feed us such good food!!!
We are upgrading our winter preparedness situation stat:
definitely better tires for the front WD delivery Corolla
fixing the bad tire on the mower that has a tow hitch so we can move the trailer in the snow without having to drag it. Turns out, everything is heavier in the snow.
And a wider driveway this spring for sure ✓
How is your winter going so far? What do you wish you had done to prepare?
Frozen Eggs
Speaking of which, we’ve never dealt with this before either. Temps below freezing are usually few and far between during KY winters. Since early December, I have moved so many dozens of eggs around the property trying to keep them from freezing. At one point, I had 30 dozen in my living room, lol!
If you get a frozen egg, it’s still good unless it’s cracked. If it’s cracked, toss it. Otherwise, safe to eat — click here for more about frozen eggs. Let me know if you get inedible ones, even if it’s just one, you get a credit!
Fabulous & Not-so-fab Egg News
We finally have plenty of eggs available! The summer was rough, sometimes we had no eggs from all those finicky chickens, while waiting for pullets to start laying. Pretty sure those egg-less days are behind us!
We also now have a provider for eggs from chickens (and ducks) fed an organic corn-free soy-free feed. This makes them PUFA-free, something that has been requested for a while.
The not-so-good news is a $1 price increase on the eggs. I’m sorry. If I were in charge of the world, all food would be free and everyone would have two chickens, a dairy cow and a garden. But we aren’t there yet!
BEEF is back.
We are loaded up again: burger, steaks, roasts, stew meat, bones (including some split marrow). Burger also got a bit of a price increase but hopefully the line holds there till at least next year! Maybe longer.
Why are eggs and beef prices going up? I believe it’s because the USDA has ordered millions of layers and thousands of beeves killed for fear of bird flu. As supply dwindles, prices increase because demand is still high. Hopefully, the killing has stopped and the bounty will return!
Real Food News
🐝 Why humans drink raw milk: wonderful post!
🐝 Are you a farmer looking for ways to market your foods? Consider putting your foods on FarmMatch — foodies can find you via a zip code search and you can sell right from the site! FarmMatch was created by Max Kane, it’s hosted on his servers so very private, and you can target customers anywhere in KY or nationwide. If you need help getting set up, I can do that. Go here to take a look and let me know any questions!
🐝 Do we need to be saved from cow farts? Click here to read CHD article.
🐝 Do you know what’s sprayed on your produce at grocery stores? I thought it was just water but it’s not… Unfortunately, the club is not able to carry produce, it’s not logistically possible without a cooler truck. Occasionally one of our regular farmers will have an abundance of an item — tomatoes or garlic or potatoes — and you’ll see that on the order site. Otherwise, a farmer’s market or Good Foods Coop is your best bet for clean local produce!
A Little KFIC Housekeeping
KFIC = Kentucky Food Independence Club, website here.
Please note that we deliver EXACTLY what is ordered. If you ordered a half gallon, you get that in a half gallon jug. If you ordered a gallon, you get that in a GALLON jug. Please don’t take 2 half gallons if you ordered a gallon, because then the members who ordered a half gallon won’t get their milk. They will text me saying there are only whole gallons left… Thank you!!!
Quarts & Pints: See the difference? We thought about labels for Qts and Pts but the Amish farmers already have so many labels to deal with, we would rather not add to the work!
Do you have any mom friends or family needing a healthy formula? Try the WAPF raw milk formula, recipe here. Our grandgirl, Lake, drank this from age 4 months to 2 years and she thrived on it. She’s now 8, very strong, lots of vitality, super smart and funny! (WAPF = Weston A Price Foundation)
Referral credits are back! Thank you for sharing the food club with friends and family. You will get a $5 credit for your referrals who join :)
Have questions or concerns about the food club or finding real food in your area? Do you have feedback? Please ask/share, either in comments or hit reply if this came in your email. I’m happy to answer all!
xo Sally
PS. Do you all know about Azure Standard? They are a company in Utah that specializes in bulk organic and non-GMO foods. They deliver to Lexington once a month. Take a look at the site and consider joining us. Membership is free, shipping is very reasonable, and it’s very fun to hang out with like-minded friends for 30 minutes or so once a month! And if you can’t make the drop, there’s a FB group where you can ask a fellow traveler to pick up for you ♥
AFFILIATE AD :) Are you looking for clean, healthy living products, including makeup, protein powders & nutrition supplements, plus amazing skincare? Take a look at Arbonne and let me know what you think. I’ve been using their products since 2017 and still loving them all, I think you will, too!
AFFILIATE AD:) Recently, a good friend turned me on to a Coriolus Versicolor mushroom immune support product. This line started for pets, but the results were so amazing, humans wanted in on the healing! I’ve shared my link with other friends who are seeing relief from all manner of health issues — both for themselves and their pets! We just started using so no miracles to personally report, but I am excited since hearing from close friends. Lots of good info on the site, you can click here for more. Yes, my affiliate name is Tinkerbell.🧚♀️
Hey Sally, long time no see! Hope you and Hal are doing well. Yeah, I sure don't like this geoengineering modified weather. I remember what winter was like in Kentucky from 1994 to about, oh I don't know, 2012 or so. Especially in the 90s, where I knew what normal was.
We'll see what happens this year. If you read what Whitney Webb has to say, it's not very encouraging. She is I really like Ian Carroll on Twitter as well. I like in2thinair on X as well for his weather prediction stuff.
The level of censorship on Twitter is appalling. They've perfected it so it looks like you still got a checkmark and it looks like you have followers, but your reach is completely throttled down next to nothing. Laura Loomer is the biggest example of this, along with David Icke.
Meanwhile, you've got guys like Charlie Kirk who are bent over taking it from the Israel thing. I was wondering how people could just go and justify this Israel creation out of thin air and stealing somebody's land for it. But then I went and found that I think it was the Bible, could be wrong, but anyways in the Bible it pretty much said that Israel was God's chosen people and they could do whatever they want. Including stealing land. Oh, and I'm pretty sure somebody had posted that in the Bible there was two races, the race from Adam and then some other race, which is the so-called Jews. I was always wondering how these so-called Jews claimed they were a race. Silly me, it was in a book that humans wrote. I also noticed a pattern that you couldn't question things about this second race. Including their so-called holocaust that has 17 countries in it that will go and put you in jail or something if you question it. They call it denying, but that's really a cute word for you can't question. My perspectives must have something to do with me having no friends. Or something.
And this land grab stuff seems to coincide with this so-called wildfires, too. Somebody on Twitter did a study of all of these sanctuary cities. And I think half of them have had weather events which have wiped them out. The interesting part is the cities that haven't been wiped out yet. I think Dallas, Texas was one of them. Austin, Texas. I think Carrie, North Carolina.
***If the Trump team doesn't deal with this geoengineering, then rebuilding these cities isn't going to Cut the mustard. 2024 was an amazing year. We saw so much extra, special, super-duper, never-happened historical events. Hurricanes in the mountains. Wildfires, which are completely natural. Uh huh. Pay no attention to anything blue. Leaves still on the tree, but cars melted. Pay no attention to the physics of fire and burn rates and the fuel needed to reach a certain degree.
So here we are in 2025. We still have magical fires. But the South had its first Nor'easter. You know, the NOR part means north and the EASTER part means east. That would be Northeast Storm. But hey, they had one in the Louisiana Gulf area. Totally normal.
Should be interesting to see how the Trump team deals with these cartels. Last I checked, the cartels were basically a military. Which is kind of funny because that's what we patriots should have is our own private military. Anyhow, I like this Tom Homan guy, but frankly, if he thinks that he's just going to go and push the cartels out of the city without there being any blowback, he's dreaming.
And we're only in the first week of this stuff.
Take care, Sally. Say hi to everybody for me.