KAWW News and Next Meeting!
We had a really fun meeting in March, lots of energy and enthusiasm and lots of good ideas. Of course! Working on the next meeting and thinking the week of May 18th.
So many ideas and info to discuss here, so I'll just dive in:
The BYOL (bring your own lunch) worked out very well and took a TON of stress off of the planning so let's continue with that idea. Over the summer, a potluck might be fun, too.
The original idea was to rotate locations so that we can get as many women as possible in the networking. We also discussed having chapters in different areas and I know at least one group of women is working on that. YAY to that idea! It would be nice to keep us all under the KAWW umbrella, but we can do sister orgs :) The whole point of this is networking women in Ag and wellness.
For the May meeting, I'm in touch with the Fayette Extension Office. I'll keep you posted on that. They charge quite a bit but I'm trying to get it for free. If anyone knows Nick Carter over there, let me know!
Is anyone else interested in starting up a local chapter? Let's pow-wow on this idea so we are in alignment.
I read the statement at the last meeting and it was well-received. Click here to read. Feedback please!
Click here to read this. A work in progress :)
As soon as we have a location and date for a May meeting, I will email you and post on the site. (There will be a subscription link on the site soon, as well.)
Don't forget the Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/KyAgWomenforWellness/
See you all soon!